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Drawing Hybrid/Blended Designs in R: Recreating Treatment Evaluation in Gilroy et al. (2019).

Written by Shawn P. Gilroy (Last Updated: 2024-06-02)Reversal DesignsMultiple Baseline DesignsAim LinesBracketsHybrid Figures

This posts follows from the previous Functional Analysis figure from Gilroy et al. (2021) to illustrate the Treatment Evaluation conducted in that study. The primary intervention evaluated was a Functional Communication Training approach extended by a novel schedule advancement strategy.

The final figure for this work is illustrated below:

Data Structure

There is a complex data structure for this figure. There is a column specific to challenging behavior (CTB = combined rates of target behavior), a Functional Communication Response for Attention (AFCR), and a Functional Communication Response for Escape (EFCR). There are Baseline and Intervention conditions; however, each must be distinguished from one another (e.g., “Intervention”, “Intervention2”) to ensure that data are linked into the correct groupings.

A preview of the relevant data is shown below:

##    Function Session    Condition CTB AFCR EFCR
## 1 Attention       3     Baseline 0.3   NA   NA
## 2 Attention       7     Baseline 0.6   NA   NA
## 3 Attention      12     Baseline 1.3   NA   NA
## 4 Attention      16 Intervention 0.0  1.8   NA
## 5 Attention      17 Intervention 0.0  1.6   NA
## 6 Attention      20 Intervention 0.0  1.8   NA

Plot Elements

There is some pretty extensive formatting necessary to produce the final figure. Several new annotations are illustrated here–brackets for labeling a respective range (e.g., demand fading; scr_anno_brackets) and a guide line for highlighting behavior deceleration targets (scr_anno_guide_line).

The unmodified raw output of the data is presented below:

         aesthetics = var_map(x = Session,
                              y = CTB,
                              p = Condition,
                              facet = Function
         mai = c(0.375, 0.375, 0.25, .25),
         omi = c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25),
         family = "Times New Roman") |>
  scr_lines(size = 1) |>
  scr_lines(mapping = list(x = Session,
                           y = AFCR),
            size = 1,
            lty = 2) |>
  scr_lines(mapping = list(x = Session,
                           y = EFCR),
            size = 1,
            lty = 3) |>
  scr_points(fill = "white",
             pch = 21) |>
  scr_points(mapping = list(x = Session,
                            y = AFCR),
             cex = 1,
             pch = 20,
             fill = "black") |>
  scr_points(mapping = list(x = Session,
                            y = EFCR),
             cex = 0.75,
             pch = 24,
             fill = "black") 

Axis and Tick Styling

This figure can be made much more understandable through editing relevant axes.

         aesthetics = var_map(x = Session,
                              y = CTB,
                              p = Condition,
                              facet = Function
         mai = c(0.375, 0.375, 0.25, .25),
         omi = c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25),
         family = "Times New Roman") |>
      "Attention" = list(
        y0 = -0.125,
        y1 = 3,
        yticks = c(0, 1, 2, 3)
      "Demand" = list(
        y0 = -0.125,
        y1 = 3,
        yticks = c(0, 1, 2, 3)
  ) |>
  scr_xoverride(c(-1, 100),
                xdelta = 10,
                xticks = c(1,
                           seq(10, 100,
                               by = 10))
                )  |>
             adj = 0.5125,
             cex = 1.15) |>
  scr_ylabel("Combined Target Behavior (Per Minute)",
             cex = 1.15,
             adj = 0.65) |>
  scr_lines(size = 1) |>
  scr_lines(mapping = list(x = Session,
                           y = AFCR),
            size = 1,
            lty = 2) |>
  scr_lines(mapping = list(x = Session,
                           y = EFCR),
            size = 1,
            lty = 3) |>
  scr_points(fill = "white",
             pch = 21) |>
  scr_points(mapping = list(x = Session,
                            y = AFCR),
             cex = 1,
             pch = 20,
             fill = "black") |>
  scr_points(mapping = list(x = Session,
                            y = EFCR),
             cex = 0.75,
             pch = 24,
             fill = "black")

Adding Phase Lines, Labels, Arrows

The figure becomes much more informative phase change lines (both single and multiple-baseline lines) and labels/arrows are included for respective facets, phases, and targets.

         aesthetics = var_map(x = Session,
                              y = CTB,
                              p = Condition,
                              facet = Function
         mai = c(0.375, 0.375, 0.25, .25),
         omi = c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25),
         family = "Times New Roman") |>
      "Attention" = list(
        y0 = -0.125,
        y1 = 3,
        yticks = c(0, 1, 2, 3)
      "Demand" = list(
        y0 = -0.125,
        y1 = 3,
        yticks = c(0, 1, 2, 3)
  ) |>
  scr_xoverride(c(-1, 100),
                xdelta = 10,
                xticks = c(1,
                           seq(10, 100,
                               by = 10))
                )  |>
             adj = 0.5125,
             cex = 1.15) |>
  scr_ylabel("Combined Target Behavior (Per Minute)",
             cex = 1.15,
             adj = 0.65) |>
  scr_lines(size = 1) |>
  scr_lines(mapping = list(x = Session,
                           y = AFCR),
            size = 1,
            lty = 2) |>
  scr_lines(mapping = list(x = Session,
                           y = EFCR),
            size = 1,
            lty = 3) |>
  scr_points(fill = "white",
             pch = 21) |>
  scr_points(mapping = list(x = Session,
                            y = AFCR),
             cex = 1,
             pch = 20,
             fill = "black") |>
  scr_points(mapping = list(x = Session,
                            y = EFCR),
             cex = 0.75,
             pch = 24,
             fill = "black") |>
    lines = list(
      "A" = list(
        "Attention" = list(
          x1 = 13.5,
          y1 = 3.15,
          y2 = -0.125
        "Demand" = list(
          x1 = 20,
          y1 = 3,
          y2 = -0.125
  ) |>
  scr_plines(lty = 1,
             lines = list(
               "Attention" = list(
                 "A" = list(
                   x1 = 25.5,
                  y1 = 3
                 "B" = list(
                   x1 = 26.5,
                   y1 = 3
                 "C" = list(
                   x1 = 60.5,
                   y1 = 3,
                   lty = 3
                 "D" = list(
                   x1 = 76.5,
                   y1 = 3,
                   lty = 3
               "Demand" = list(
                 "A" = list(
                   x1 = 34.5,
                   y1 = 3
                 "B" = list(
                   x1 = 37.5,
                   y1 = 3
                "C" = list(
                   x1 = 41.5,
                   y1 = 3
                 "D" = list(
                   x1 = 50.5,
                   y1 = 3,
                   lty = 3
                 "E" = list(
                   x1 = 72.5,
                   y1 = 3,
                   lty = 3
               ))) |>
  scr_label_facet(cex = 1.25,
                  adj = 1,
                  y = 3.15,
                  x = 100,
                  labels = list("Attention",
                                "Demand")) |>
  scr_label_phase(facet = "Attention",
                  cex = 0.8,
                  adj = 0.5,
                  y = 3,
                  labels = list(
                    "Baseline" = list(
                      x = 14,
                      y = 3.5
                    "FCR-A + EXT" = list(
                      x = 20
                    "FCR-A + EXT" = list(
                      x = 32
                    "Parent\nImplementation" = list(
                      x = 68.5
                    "Generalization" = list(
                      x = 83
                    "Problem Behavior" = list(
                      x = 7,
                      y = 1.8
                    "FCR-A" = list(
                      x = 20,
                      y = 2.5
                    "Add FCR\nOptions" = list(
                      x = 31,
                      y = 2.5
                    ))) |>
  scr_label_phase(facet = "Demand",
                  cex = 0.8,
                  adj = 0.5,
                  y = 3,
                  labels = list(
                    "FCR-E + EXT" = list(
                      x = 30,
                      y = 3.45
                    "FCR-A P = 0.1" = list(
                      x = 36,
                      y = 2,
                      srt = 90
                    "FCR-A/E + EXT" = list(
                      x = 47,
                      y = 3.35
                    "Parent Implementation" = list(
                      x = 61.5
                    "Generalization" = list(
                      x = 80
                    "FCR-E" = list(
                      x = 24,
                      y = 2.5
                    "FCR-A\nP = 0.1\n200% SR" = list(
                      x = 46,
                      y = 2
                    ))) |>
  scr_anno_arrows(facet = "Attention",
                  length = 0.1,
                  arrows = list(
                    "A" = list(
                      x0 = 7,
                      x1 = 7,
                      y0 = 1.5,
                      y1 = 1
                    "B" = list(
                      x0 = 20,
                      x1 = 20,
                      y0 = 2.25,
                      y1 = 2
                    "C" = list(
                      x0 = 31,
                      x1 = 31,
                      y0 = 2.25,
                      y1 = 2
                    ))) |>
  scr_anno_arrows(facet = "Demand",
                  length = 0.1,
                  arrows = list(
                    "A" = list(
                      x0 = 24,
                      x1 = 24,
                      y0 = 2.25,
                      y1 = 1.5
                    "B" = list(
                      x0 = 36,
                      x1 = 36,
                      y0 = 1.3,
                      y1 = 0.75
                    "C" = list(
                      x0 = 46,
                      x1 = 46,
                      y0 = 1.5,
                      y1 = 0.75

Novel Features

There are two added features featured in this figure, brackets and guidelines.

Bracket Annotations

The scr_anno_brackets function is largely an extension of the scr_arrows function–essentially two line annotations connected by a line at the onset (i.e., x1/x2 and y1/y2 pairs).

The figure below displays how a bracketing convention can be used to identify a specific range of sessions (i.e., a starting and ending point; e.g., demand number, s delta interval).

         aesthetics = var_map(x = Session,
                              y = CTB,
                              p = Condition,
                              facet = Function
         mai = c(0.375, 0.375, 0.25, .25),
         omi = c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25),
         family = "Times New Roman") |>
      "Attention" = list(
        y0 = -0.125,
        y1 = 3,
        yticks = c(0, 1, 2, 3)
      "Demand" = list(
        y0 = -0.125,
        y1 = 3,
        yticks = c(0, 1, 2, 3)
  ) |>
  scr_xoverride(c(-1, 100),
                xdelta = 10,
                xticks = c(1,
                           seq(10, 100,
                               by = 10))
                )  |>
             adj = 0.5125,
             cex = 1.15) |>
  scr_ylabel("Combined Target Behavior (Per Minute)",
             cex = 1.15,
             adj = 0.65) |>
  scr_lines(size = 1) |>
  scr_lines(mapping = list(x = Session,
                           y = AFCR),
            size = 1,
            lty = 2) |>
  scr_lines(mapping = list(x = Session,
                           y = EFCR),
            size = 1,
            lty = 3) |>
  scr_points(fill = "white",
             pch = 21) |>
  scr_points(mapping = list(x = Session,
                            y = AFCR),
             cex = 1,
             pch = 20,
             fill = "black") |>
  scr_points(mapping = list(x = Session,
                            y = EFCR),
             cex = 0.75,
             pch = 24,
             fill = "black") |>
    lines = list(
      "A" = list(
        "Attention" = list(
          x1 = 13.5,
          y1 = 3.15,
          y2 = -0.125
        "Demand" = list(
          x1 = 20,
          y1 = 3,
          y2 = -0.125
  ) |>
  scr_plines(lty = 1,
             lines = list(
               "Attention" = list(
                 "A" = list(
                   x1 = 25.5,
                  y1 = 3
                 "B" = list(
                   x1 = 26.5,
                   y1 = 3
                 "C" = list(
                   x1 = 60.5,
                   y1 = 3,
                   lty = 3
                 "D" = list(
                   x1 = 76.5,
                   y1 = 3,
                   lty = 3
               "Demand" = list(
                 "A" = list(
                   x1 = 34.5,
                   y1 = 3
                 "B" = list(
                   x1 = 37.5,
                   y1 = 3
                "C" = list(
                   x1 = 41.5,
                   y1 = 3
                 "D" = list(
                   x1 = 50.5,
                   y1 = 3,
                   lty = 3
                 "E" = list(
                   x1 = 72.5,
                   y1 = 3,
                   lty = 3
               ))) |>
  scr_label_facet(cex = 1.25,
                  adj = 1,
                  y = 3.15,
                  x = 100,
                  labels = list("Attention",
                                "Demand")) |>
  scr_label_phase(facet = "Attention",
                  cex = 0.8,
                  adj = 0.5,
                  y = 3,
                  labels = list(
                    "Baseline" = list(
                      x = 14,
                      y = 3.5
                    "FCR-A + EXT" = list(
                      x = 20
                    "FCR-A + EXT" = list(
                      x = 32
                    "Parent\nImplementation" = list(
                      x = 68.5
                    "Generalization" = list(
                      x = 83
                    "Problem Behavior" = list(
                      x = 7,
                      y = 1.8
                    "FCR-A" = list(
                      x = 20,
                      y = 2.5
                    "Add FCR\nOptions" = list(
                      x = 31,
                      y = 2.5
                    ))) |>
  scr_label_phase(facet = "Attention",
                  cex = 0.8,
                  adj = 0.5,
                  labels = list(
                    "5s" = list(
                      x = 38.5,
                      y = 2.4
                    "Schedule Thinning" = list(
                      x = 53,
                      y = 2.4
                    "300s" = list(
                      x = 74.5,
                      y = 2.4
                    ))) |>
  scr_label_phase(facet = "Demand",
                  cex = 0.8,
                  adj = 0.5,
                  y = 3,
                  labels = list(
                    "FCR-E + EXT" = list(
                      x = 30,
                      y = 3.45
                    "FCR-A P = 0.1" = list(
                      x = 36,
                      y = 2,
                      srt = 90
                    "FCR-A/E + EXT" = list(
                      x = 47,
                      y = 3.35
                    "Parent Implementation" = list(
                      x = 61.5
                    "Generalization" = list(
                      x = 80
                    "FCR-E" = list(
                      x = 24,
                      y = 2.5
                    "FCR-A\nP = 0.1\n200% SR" = list(
                      x = 46,
                      y = 2
                    ))) |>
  scr_label_phase(facet = "Demand",
                  cex = 0.8,
                  adj = 0.5,
                  y = 1.375,
                  labels = list(
                    "1" = list(
                      x = 29.5
                    "Demand Fading" = list(
                      x = 58
                    "6" = list(
                      x = 71.5
                    ))) |>
  scr_anno_arrows(facet = "Attention",
                  length = 0.1,
                  arrows = list(
                    "A" = list(
                      x0 = 7,
                      x1 = 7,
                      y0 = 1.5,
                      y1 = 1
                    "B" = list(
                      x0 = 20,
                      x1 = 20,
                      y0 = 2.25,
                      y1 = 2
                    "C" = list(
                      x0 = 31,
                      x1 = 31,
                      y0 = 2.25,
                      y1 = 2
                    ))) |>
  scr_anno_arrows(facet = "Demand",
                  length = 0.1,
                  arrows = list(
                    "A" = list(
                      x0 = 24,
                      x1 = 24,
                      y0 = 2.25,
                      y1 = 1.5
                    "B" = list(
                      x0 = 36,
                      x1 = 36,
                      y0 = 1.3,
                      y1 = 0.75
                    "C" = list(
                      x0 = 46,
                      x1 = 46,
                      y0 = 1.5,
                      y1 = 0.75
                    ))) |>
  scr_anno_brackets(facet = "Attention",
                    length = 0.1,
                    brackets = list(
                      "A" = list(
                        x0 = 8,
                        x1 = 26,
                        y0 = 3.3,
                        y1 = 3
                      "B" = list(
                        x0 = 38,
                        x1 = 76,
                        y0 = 2.25,
                        y1 = 1.5,
                        lty = 3
                  ) |>
  scr_anno_brackets(facet = "Demand",
                    length = 0.1,
                    brackets = list(
                      "A" = list(
                        x0 = 23,
                        x1 = 40,
                        y0 = 3.3,
                        y1 = 3
                      "B" = list(
                        x0 = 36,
                        x1 = 47,
                        y0 = 3.2,
                        y1 = 2.9
                      "C" = list(
                        x0 = 29,
                        x1 = 72,
                        y0 = 1.25,
                        y1 = 0.5,
                        lty = 3

Guide Line Annotations

The scr_anno_guide_line function is basically just a line drawn on the figure (i.e., similar to a phase change, just horizontal).

Guide lines are often included as a part of figures to indicate a relevant target for intervention (i.e., reduction of problem behavior levels to <90% of baseline). With this final component added, our figure is complete!

         aesthetics = var_map(x = Session,
                              y = CTB,
                              p = Condition,
                              facet = Function
         mai = c(0.375, 0.375, 0.25, .25),
         omi = c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25),
         family = "Times New Roman") |>
      "Attention" = list(
        y0 = -0.125,
        y1 = 3,
        yticks = c(0, 1, 2, 3)
      "Demand" = list(
        y0 = -0.125,
        y1 = 3,
        yticks = c(0, 1, 2, 3)
  ) |>
  scr_xoverride(c(-1, 100),
                xdelta = 10,
                xticks = c(1,
                           seq(10, 100,
                               by = 10))
                )  |>
             adj = 0.5125,
             cex = 1.15) |>
  scr_ylabel("Combined Target Behavior (Per Minute)",
             cex = 1.15,
             adj = 0.65) |>
  scr_lines(size = 1) |>
  scr_lines(mapping = list(x = Session,
                           y = AFCR),
            size = 1,
            lty = 2) |>
  scr_lines(mapping = list(x = Session,
                           y = EFCR),
            size = 1,
            lty = 3) |>
  scr_points(fill = "white",
             pch = 21) |>
  scr_points(mapping = list(x = Session,
                            y = AFCR),
             cex = 1,
             pch = 20,
             fill = "black") |>
  scr_points(mapping = list(x = Session,
                            y = EFCR),
             cex = 0.75,
             pch = 24,
             fill = "black") |>
    lines = list(
      "A" = list(
        "Attention" = list(
          x1 = 13.5,
          y1 = 3.15,
          y2 = -0.125
        "Demand" = list(
          x1 = 20,
          y1 = 3,
          y2 = -0.125
  ) |>
  scr_plines(lty = 1,
             lines = list(
               "Attention" = list(
                 "A" = list(
                   x1 = 25.5,
                  y1 = 3
                 "B" = list(
                   x1 = 26.5,
                   y1 = 3
                 "C" = list(
                   x1 = 60.5,
                   y1 = 3,
                   lty = 3
                 "D" = list(
                   x1 = 76.5,
                   y1 = 3,
                   lty = 3
               "Demand" = list(
                 "A" = list(
                   x1 = 34.5,
                   y1 = 3
                 "B" = list(
                   x1 = 37.5,
                   y1 = 3
                "C" = list(
                   x1 = 41.5,
                   y1 = 3
                 "D" = list(
                   x1 = 50.5,
                   y1 = 3,
                   lty = 3
                 "E" = list(
                   x1 = 72.5,
                   y1 = 3,
                   lty = 3
               ))) |>
  scr_label_facet(cex = 1.25,
                  adj = 1,
                  y = 3.15,
                  x = 100,
                  labels = list("Attention",
                                "Demand")) |>
  scr_label_phase(facet = "Attention",
                  cex = 0.8,
                  adj = 0.5,
                  y = 3,
                  labels = list(
                    "Baseline" = list(
                      x = 14,
                      y = 3.5
                    "FCR-A + EXT" = list(
                      x = 20
                    "FCR-A + EXT" = list(
                      x = 32
                    "Parent\nImplementation" = list(
                      x = 68.5
                    "Generalization" = list(
                      x = 83
                    "Problem Behavior" = list(
                      x = 7,
                      y = 1.8
                    "FCR-A" = list(
                      x = 20,
                      y = 2.5
                    "Add FCR\nOptions" = list(
                      x = 31,
                      y = 2.5
                    ))) |>
  scr_label_phase(facet = "Attention",
                  cex = 0.8,
                  adj = 0.5,
                  labels = list(
                    "5s" = list(
                      x = 38.5,
                      y = 2.4
                    "Schedule Thinning" = list(
                      x = 53,
                      y = 2.4
                    "300s" = list(
                      x = 74.5,
                      y = 2.4
                    ))) |>
  scr_label_phase(facet = "Demand",
                  cex = 0.8,
                  adj = 0.5,
                  y = 3,
                  labels = list(
                    "FCR-E + EXT" = list(
                      x = 30,
                      y = 3.45
                    "FCR-A P = 0.1" = list(
                      x = 36,
                      y = 2,
                      srt = 90
                    "FCR-A/E + EXT" = list(
                      x = 47,
                      y = 3.35
                    "Parent Implementation" = list(
                      x = 61.5
                    "Generalization" = list(
                      x = 80
                    "FCR-E" = list(
                      x = 24,
                      y = 2.5
                    "FCR-A\nP = 0.1\n200% SR" = list(
                      x = 46,
                      y = 2
                    ))) |>
  scr_label_phase(facet = "Demand",
                  cex = 0.8,
                  adj = 0.5,
                  y = 1.375,
                  labels = list(
                    "1" = list(
                      x = 29.5
                    "Demand Fading" = list(
                      x = 58
                    "6" = list(
                      x = 71.5
                    ))) |>
  scr_anno_arrows(facet = "Attention",
                  length = 0.1,
                  arrows = list(
                    "A" = list(
                      x0 = 7,
                      x1 = 7,
                      y0 = 1.5,
                      y1 = 1
                    "B" = list(
                      x0 = 20,
                      x1 = 20,
                      y0 = 2.25,
                      y1 = 2
                    "C" = list(
                      x0 = 31,
                      x1 = 31,
                      y0 = 2.25,
                      y1 = 2
                    ))) |>
  scr_anno_arrows(facet = "Demand",
                  length = 0.1,
                  arrows = list(
                    "A" = list(
                      x0 = 24,
                      x1 = 24,
                      y0 = 2.25,
                      y1 = 1.5
                    "B" = list(
                      x0 = 36,
                      x1 = 36,
                      y0 = 1.3,
                      y1 = 0.75
                    "C" = list(
                      x0 = 46,
                      x1 = 46,
                      y0 = 1.5,
                      y1 = 0.75
                    ))) |>
  scr_anno_brackets(facet = "Attention",
                    length = 0.1,
                    brackets = list(
                      "A" = list(
                        x0 = 8,
                        x1 = 26,
                        y0 = 3.3,
                        y1 = 3
                      "B" = list(
                        x0 = 38,
                        x1 = 76,
                        y0 = 2.25,
                        y1 = 1.5,
                        lty = 3
                  ) |>
  scr_anno_brackets(facet = "Demand",
                    length = 0.1,
                    brackets = list(
                      "A" = list(
                        x0 = 23,
                        x1 = 40,
                        y0 = 3.3,
                        y1 = 3
                      "B" = list(
                        x0 = 36,
                        x1 = 47,
                        y0 = 3.2,
                        y1 = 2.9
                      "C" = list(
                        x0 = 29,
                        x1 = 72,
                        y0 = 1.25,
                        y1 = 0.5,
                        lty = 3
                      )))  |>
  scr_anno_guide_line(color = "red",
                      lty = 3,
                      facet = "Attention",
                      coords = list(
                        "A" = list(
                          x0 = 14,
                          x1 = 25.5,
                          y0 = 0.1
                        "B" = list(
                          x0 = 26.5,
                          x1 = 100,
                          y0 = 0.1
                        ))) |>
  scr_anno_guide_line(color = "red",
                      lty = 3,
                      facet = "Demand",
                      coords = list(
                        "A" = list(
                          x0 = 20,
                          x1 = 100,
                          y0 = 0.1