This post illustrates how the fxl R package can be used to provide in-depth visual representations of procedural fidelity in single-case experimental designs. This post demonstrates how researchers can visually represent the degree to which a treatment or protocol was applied as designed across a study. The goal of this post is to provide a simple demonstration that could be easily incorporated in applied research as a supplement or replacement to overall fidelity aggregates.
Gilroy Lab @ Louisiana State University
This is the personal website for Dr. Shawn Gilroy, a professor of School Psychology at Louisiana State University. This site features a wide array of information and resources related to the work done in the lab. Our work spans multiple domains, often occuring at the intersection between behavioral science, computer engineering, and education. This website is a repository of various projects, materials, resources, and various other tools for both educators and researchers.
Recent Posts and Updates
This post focuses on exploring how single-case experimental design (SCED) researchers can use R to visually synthesize experimental outcomes using the Single Case Assessment and Review Framework (SCARF). Specifically, the fxl R package is used to take data coded using SCARF and to generate figures that would historically be prepared using complex Excel spreadsheets. This is not a tutorial on SCARF per se, but rather a demonstration of how fxl supports a spreadsheet-free alternative for users of SCARF.
This entry covers one of the more challenging issues with designing single-case visuals: having many individuals with distinct ranges and patterns in data. This guide shows how to visualize competing selections, with changes in contexts (i.e., transitions in Phase ), with wrapping facets. Facet-specific styling is also modeled/demonstrated in this post.
Visualizing Compound Figures in R: Integrating Integrity and Behavior Rates in FA Figures
This post/guide shows how to create a figure that shows how to dynamically create figures to show information that otherwise would require two or more figures. This guide shows how to overlay a Bar Series over a Multielement chart to simultaneously communicate information about internal validity as well as the presence of some functional relationship.
Research Updates
Adaptive Purchase Tasks in the Operant Demand Framework
Article Accepted/In Press
Gilroy, Shawn P., Rzeszutek, Mark J., Koffarnus, Mikhail N., Reed, Derek D., and Hursh, Steven R.
Conditions that increase the perceived likelihood of temporary restriction of firearm access: An investigation in male firearm owners
Article Accepted/In Press
Gilroy, Shawn P., Tucker, Raymond P., Hill, Ryan M., Anestis, Michael D., Bryan, Craig J., and Bauer, Brian W.
Extending Token Economy Systems with the Operant Demand Framework
Article Published on 8/21/2024
Levins, Parker and Gilroy, Shawn P.
Extensions of Open Science for Applied Behavior Analysis: Preregistration for Single Case Experimental Designs
Article Published on 8/12/2024
Tincani, Matt, Gilroy, Shawn P., and Dowdy, Art
Vehicle Firearm Storage: Prevalence and Correlates in a Sample of Male Firearm Owners
Article Published on 4/3/2023
A Comprehensive Systematic Review of Procedures and Analyses Used in Basic and Preclinical Studies of Resurgence, 1970–2020
Article Published on 3/1/2023
Podlesnik, Christopher A., Ritchey, Carolyn M., Waits, Jo, and Gilroy, Shawn P.