Inventory of Published Works

Table of Published Works

Tincani, Matt, Gilroy, Shawn P., and Dowdy, Art (In Press). Extensions of Open Science for Applied Behavior Analysis: Preregistration for Single Case Experimental Designs. Forthcoming in Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. Preprint
Levins, Parker and Gilroy, Shawn P. (In Press). Extending Token Economy Systems with the Operant Demand Framework. Forthcoming in Journal of Behavioral Education. Has Preprint
McComas, Jennifer J., Jimenez-Gomez, Corina, and Gilroy, Shawn (2024). Translational approaches to choice. In: Roane, H. S., Craig, A. R., Saini, V., and Ringdahl, J. E. Behavior analysis: Translational perspectives and clinical practice. The Guilford Press
Waits, Jodie A., Choi, Kwon, and Gilroy, Shawn P. (2023). A Systematic Review and Reflection on the Dimensions of Diversity Represented in Behavior Analytic Research. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 10(4). 643-659. PreprintHas RepoCites: 6
Traina, Ivan, Mannion, Arlene, Gilroy, Shawn P., and Leader, Geraldine (2023). Systematic Review of Job Transition Programs Addressed to Youths With Intellectual Disability. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 29(2). 583-619. 2
Tucker, Raymond P., Powers, Jeff, Pardue-Bourgeois, Sarah, Oakey-Frost, Nicolas, Moscardini, Emma H., Gilroy, Shawn P., Capron, Daniel W., Bryan, Craig J., and Anestis, Michael D. (2023). Vehicle Firearm Storage: Prevalence and Correlates in a Sample of Male Firearm Owners. Archives of Suicide Research, 27(2). 479–493. 3
Podlesnik, Christopher A., Ritchey, Carolyn M., Waits, Jo, and Gilroy, Shawn P. (2023). A Comprehensive Systematic Review of Procedures and Analyses Used in Basic and Preclinical Studies of Resurgence, 1970–2020. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 46(1). 137-184. PreprintHas Data AvailableCites: 21
Kaplan, Brent A., Gilroy, Shawn P., DeHart, W. Brady, Brown, Jeremiah M., and Koffarnus, Mikahil N. (2023). Data handling: ethical principles, guidelines, and recommended practices. In: Research Ethics in Behavior Analysis. Elsevier Cites: 2
Gilroy, Shawn P., Picardo, Rochelle, Feck, Cassie, Levins, Parker, and Waits, Jo (2023). School-Based Interventions for Students with Autism. In: Matson, Johnny L. Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis for Children with Autism. Springer International Publishing, Cham .
Gilroy, Shawn P., McCleery, Joseph P., and Leader, Geraldine (2023). A delayed intervention start randomized controlled trial of high- and low-tech communication training approaches for school-age autistic children with co-occurring intellectual disability. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 56(3). 593-606. PreprintCites: 2
Gilroy, Shawn P. (2023). Interpretation(s) of essential value in operant demand. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 119(3). 554-564. PreprintHas RepoCites: 1
Gilroy, Shawn P. and Hantula, Donald A. (2023). Exact solutions for area-based delay discounting analyses. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 31(4). 849-860. PreprintHas RepoCites: 2
Gelino, Brett W., Salzer, Allyson R., Harsin, Joshua D., Naudé, Gideon P., Gilroy, Shawn P., and Reed, Derek D. (2023). Tobacco-free policy reduces combustible tobacco byproduct on a large university campus. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 56(1). 86-97. PreprintHas RepoCites: 3
Ritchey, Carolyn M., Gilroy, Shawn P., Kuroda, Toshikazu, and Podlesnik, Christopher A. (2022). Assessing human performance during contingency changes and extinction tests in reversal-learning tasks. Learning & Behavior, 50(4). 494-508. 4
Gilroy, Shawn P. and Picardo, Rochelle (2022). Applications of operant demand to treatment selection III: Consumer behavior analysis of treatment choice. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 118(1). 46-58. PreprintHas RepoCites: 7
Leader, Geraldine, Dooley, Emma, Whelan, Sally, Gilroy, Shawn P., Chen, June L., Farren Barton, Autumn, Coyne, Rory, and Mannion, Arlene (2022). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms, Gastrointestinal Symptoms, Sleep Problems, Challenging Behavior, Adaptive Behavior, and Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 25(4). 217-228. 8
Gilroy, Shawn P., Strickland, Justin C., Naudé, Gideon P., Johnson, Matthew W., Amlung, Michael, and Reed, Derek D. (2022). Beyond Systematic and Unsystematic Responding: Latent Class Mixture Models to Characterize Response Patterns in Discounting Research. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 16. 806944. PreprintHas RepoCites: 3
Gilroy, Shawn P. and Feck, Cassie C. (2022). Applications of operant demand to treatment selection II: Covariance of evidence strength and treatment consumption. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 117(2). 167-179. PreprintHas RepoCites: 8
Gilroy, Shawn P., Waits, Jodie A., and Kaplan, Brent A. (2022). Applications of operant demand to treatment selection I: Characterizing demand for evidence‐based practices. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 117(1). 20-35. PreprintHas RepoCites: 8
Gilroy, Shawn P. (2022). Hidden equivalence in the operant demand framework: A review and evaluation of multiple methods for evaluating nonconsumption. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 117(1). 105-119. PreprintHas RepoCites: 6
Ritchey, Carolyn M., Mizutani, Yuto, Kuroda, Toshikazu, Gilroy, Shawn, and Podlesnik, Christopher A. (2021). Examining effects of training duration on humans' resurgence and variability using a novel touchscreen procedure. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 116(3). 344-358. RepoCites: 2
Kaplan, Brent A., Franck, Christopher T., McKee, Kevin, Gilroy, Shawn P., and Koffarnus, Mikhail N. (2021). Applying Mixed-Effects Modeling to Behavioral Economic Demand: An Introduction. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 44(2-3). 333-358. PreprintCites: 38
Lewis, Elizabeth M., Heimberg, Richard G., Gilroy, Shawn P., and Buckner, Julia D. (2021). The Impact of Brief Mindfulness Training on Postevent Processing Among Individuals With Clinically Elevated Social Anxiety. Behavior Therapy, 52(4). 785-796. 16
Gilroy, Shawn P., Waits, Jodie A., and Feck, Cassie (2021). Extending stimulus preference assessment with the operant demand framework. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 54(3). 1032-1044. PreprintCites: 6
Gilroy, Shawn P., Kaplan, Brent A., Schwartz, Lindsay P., Reed, Derek D., and Hursh, Steven R. (2021). A zero‐bounded model of operant demand. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 115(3). 729-746. PreprintHas RepoCites: 37
Gilroy, Shawn P., Tucker, Raymond P., Bauer, Brian W., and Patros, Connor H. G. (2021). Contemporary methods in delayed discounting: Applications for suicidology with simulation. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 51(1). 19-26. PreprintCites: 1
Leader, Geraldine, O’Reilly, Mairéad, Gilroy, Shawn P., Chen, June L., Ferrari, Chiara, and Mannion, Arlene (2021). Comorbid Feeding and Gastrointestinal Symptoms, Challenging Behavior, Sensory Issues, Adaptive Functioning and Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 24(1). 35-44. PreprintCites: 29
Kuroda, Toshikazu, Gilroy, Shawn P., Cançado, Carlos R.X., and Podlesnik, Christopher A. (2020). Effects of punishing target response during extinction on resurgence and renewal in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Behavioural Processes, 178. 104191. PreprintCites: 17
Hannula, Courtney, Jimenez-Gomez, Corina, Wu, Weizhi, Brewer, Adam T., Kodak, Tiffany, Gilroy, Shawn P., Hutsell, Blake A., Alsop, Brent, and Podlesnik, Christopher A. (2020). Quantifying errors of bias and discriminability in conditional-discrimination performance in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Learning and Motivation, 71. 101659. PreprintCites: 7
Gilroy, Shawn P., Kaplan, Brent A., and Reed, Derek D. (2020). Interpretation(s) of elasticity in operant demand. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 114(1). 106-115. PreprintHas RepoCites: 44
Gilroy, Shawn P. and Kaplan, Brent A. (2020). Modeling Treatment-Related Decision-Making Using Applied Behavioral Economics: Caregiver Perspectives in Temporally-Extended Behavioral Treatments. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 48(5). 607-618. PreprintHas RepoCites: 14
Leader, Geraldine, Tuohy, Elaine, Chen, June L., Mannion, Arlene, and Gilroy, Shawn P. (2020). Feeding Problems, Gastrointestinal Symptoms, Challenging Behavior and Sensory Issues in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50(4). 1401-1410. 154
Gilroy, Shawn P., Kaplan, Brent A., Bullock, Christopher E., and Waits, Jodie A. (2020). Current use and development of FOSS in Behavior Analysis: Modern Behavioral Engineering. Introduction to software development for behavior analysts, 2. 1–20Cites: 2
Gilroy, Shawn P., Kaplan, Brent A., Reed, Derek D., Hantula, Donald A., and Hursh, Steven R. (2019). An exact solution for unit elasticity in the exponential model of operant demand.. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 27(6). 588-597. PreprintHas RepoCites: 44
Gilroy, Shawn P., Ford, Haley L., Boyd, R. Justin, O’Connor, Julia T., and Kurtz, Patricia F. (2019). An Evaluation of Operant Behavioural Economics in Functional Communication Training for Severe Problem Behaviour. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 22(8). 553-564. PreprintCites: 10
Kirkpatrick, Bernadette, Gilroy, Shawn P., and Leader, Geraldine (2019). Qualitative study on parents’ perspectives of the familial impact of living with a child with autism spectrum disorder who experiences insomnia. Sleep Medicine, 62. 59-68. 21
Gilroy, Shawn P. and Kaplan, Brent A. (2019). Furthering Open Science in Behavior Analysis: An Introduction and Tutorial for Using GitHub in Research. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 42(3). 565-581. PreprintCites: 38
Kaplan, Brent A., Gilroy, Shawn P., Reed, Derek D., Koffarnus, Mikhail N., and Hursh, Steven R. (2019). The R package beezdemand: Behavioral Economic Easy Demand. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 42(1). 163-180. PreprintHas RepoCites: 80
Mannion, Arlene, White, Keeley, Porter, Emily, Louw, Julia, Kirkpatrick, Bernadette, Gilroy, Shawn P., and Leader, Geraldine (2019). Psychosis. In: Matson, Johnny L. Handbook of Intellectual Disabilities. Springer International Publishing, Cham . Cites: 1
Gilroy, Shawn P., Leader, Geraldine, and McCleery, Joseph P. (2018). A pilot community‐based randomized comparison of speech generating devices and the picture exchange communication system for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research, 11(12). 1701-1711. PreprintCites: 46
Gilroy, Shawn P., Kaplan, Brent A., Reed, Derek D., Koffarnus, Mikhail N., and Hantula, Donald A. (2018). The Demand Curve Analyzer: Behavioral economic software for applied research. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 110(3). 553-568. PreprintHas RepoCites: 45
Gilroy, Shawn Patrick, Kaplan, Brent A., and Leader, Geraldine (2018). A Systematic Review of Applied Behavioral Economics in Assessments and Treatments for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 5(3). 247-259. PreprintCites: 24
Mathews, Therese L., Vatland, Christopher, Lugo, Ashley M., Koenig, Elizabeth A., and Gilroy, Shawn P. (2018). Training Peer Models to Promote Social Skills: Considerations for Practice. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 33(3). 160-170. 19
Gilroy, Shawn P. and Hantula, Donald A. (2018). Discounting model selection with area‐based measures: A case for numerical integration. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 109(2). 433-449. PreprintCites: 37
Gilroy, Shawn P., McCleery, Joseph P., and Leader, Geraldine (2017). Systematic Review of Methods for Teaching Social and Communicative Behavior with High-Tech Augmentative and Alternative Communication Modalities. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 4(4). 307-320. PreprintCites: 38
Gilroy, Shawn P., Franck, Christopher T., and Hantula, Donald A. (2017). The discounting model selector: Statistical software for delay discounting applications. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 107(3). 388-401. RepoCites: 44
Gilroy, Shawn P. and Hantula, Donald A. (2016). Inherently irrational? A computational model of escalation of commitment as Bayesian Updating. Behavioural Processes, 127. 43-51. RepoCites: 12
Gilroy, Shawn P., Lorah, Elizabeth R., Dodge, Jessica, and Fiorello, Catherine (2015). Establishing deictic repertoires in autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 19. 82-92. 48
Lorah, Elizabeth R., Crouser, Julie, Gilroy, Shawn P., Tincani, Matt, and Hantula, Donald (2014). Within Stimulus Prompting to Teach Symbol Discrimination Using an iPad® Speech Generating Device. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 26(3). 335-346. 61
Lorah, Elizabeth R., Gilroy, Shawn P., and Hineline, Philip N. (2014). Acquisition of peer manding and listener responding in young children with autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 8(2). 61-67. 28
Lorah, Elizabeth R., Tincani, Matt, Dodge, Jessica, Gilroy, Shawn, Hickey, Anna, and Hantula, Donald (2013). Evaluating Picture Exchange and the iPad™ as a Speech Generating Device to Teach Communication to Young Children with Autism. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 25(6). 637-649. 209
Wine, Byron, Gilroy, Shawn, and Hantula, Donald A. (2012). Temporal (In)Stability of Employee Preferences for Rewards. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 32(1). 58-64. 48